NENI | [2 272 hits] |
Ce site propose un ensemble de librairies PHP en tests (section Travaux). Pour cette raison, 'Nouveaux Esprits - Nouvelles Idées' est en perpétuelle construction.
NeoBoard | [888 hits] |
NeoBoard est un forum de discussion basé sur l'authentification des utilisateurs et permettant l'envoi de pièces jointes aux messages.
NetSaint Network Monitor | [325 hits] |
NetSaint is a program that will monitor hosts and services on your network. It has the ability to email or page you when a problem arises and when it gets resolved. NetSaint is written in C and is designed to run under Linux, although it should work under most other *NIX variants. It can run either as a normal process or as a daemon, intermittently running checks on various services that you specify. The actual service checks are performed by external "plugins" which return service information to NetSaint. Several CGI programs are included with NetSaint in order to allow you to view the current service status, history, etc. via a web browser.
Newbie Network | [1 765 hits] |
Newbie Network est le pendant anglophone de PHP Débutant. Des news et des tutoriaux pour ceux qui débutent en PHP.
| | [1 119 hits] |
Le NG PHP d'un hébergeur NT/ASP !!
NoSpoon | [758 hits] |
No Spoon - synthèse alternative de l'actualité informatique et technique - un autre regard sur l'information technologique.
Nouvelles Neuves de Linux | [571 hits] |
Nnl -- Les nouvelles neuves de Linux (et des logiciels libres).
NTOP | [283 hits] |
ntop is a Unix tool that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix command does. ntop is based on libpcap and it has been written in a portable way in order to virtually run on every Unix platform and on Win32 as well.
NuSphere | [335 hits] |
La société NuSphere propose la première distribution MyQSL commerciale. Baptisée NuSphere MySQL™, elle est destinée dans un premier temps aux plates-formes de type RedHat Linux 6.2, Windows 9x, NT, et 2000.